2024-11-20 Special Meeting – Select Gutter Cleaning Contract
Motion & Discussions
Select Contractor For Gutter Cleaning
Motion to hire Hot Shots at a project price of $3,100 to clean all the gutters on the 13 buildings. Motion brought forth by Ms Fink, seconded by Mr. Payne.
Discussion – We had 2 bids on the project. Hot Shots for $3,100 and Price Landscaping for $5200. Considering that previously we had Powercraft LLC perform the work at $2000 it seemed odd that these were considerably higher. The Board discussed this and concluded that Powercraft was probably only doing 2 or 3 buildings at one time, knowing in working with ACM (Alan) they would have a continuously renewed contract. We choose Hot Shots because he had the lower price even though he warned us he wasn’t sure he could hold to that price. The gutters were put on the schedule for 12/12/2024.
Motion was passed 2 in favor, 0 opposed.
Meeting adjourned at 5:45 PM.