2024-08-03 Special Urgent Meeting – Website
Special Meeting – Urgent Admin Charges – Website
All board members agreed to no notice needed as per Article IV Section 11, so meeting can commence.
Meeting called to order at 6 PM.
Motion & Discussions
Website Creation
Motion to hire PraiseWorx (privately owned and operated website development business by Ms Fink) to build out new website to provide a central location for council to easily access meeting agendas, minutes, and decisions of the BOD, as well as provide an open forum format for comments and discussions between all members of the council, including the BOD, an easily generated newsletter, easy digital method to gather council opinion on an issue (surveys), easy access even for the technically challenged, in a 2 phased project at a cost of $590 for Sept – Nov 2024, and $590 for Jan – Apr 2024 with final completion and acceptance at the end of Apr 2024 as per the proposal attached. Motion brought forward by Mr Payne and seconded by Ms Wingate.
Discussion: The website will provide a central “town hall” type of forum that is independent of any management company and under the control of the Council. It will provide an easy way to generate and send by email alerts, information from the Board, and basic news of the community. It can provide a place for members of the Council to advertise services they provide or are willing to provide to the members of the community, and can provide a place to provide advertising to neighboring businesses and restaurants for easy reference by the Council members. The advertising of the neighboring business can be a small source of income to the community to be earmarked for refreshments at meetings or other entertaining events in and for this community.
Motion passed 3 in favor, 0 opposed. (Ms Fink abstained from voting.)
Motion to host the website under PraiseWorx’s agency services with managed hosting to include backups and updates on an as needed basis and technical support as needed at a cost of $60 / year according to the attached proposal. Motion brought forward by Mr Payne and seconded by Ms Wingate.
No discussion.
Motion passed 3 in favor, 0 opposed. (Ms Fink abstained from voting.)
Domain Registration
Motion to continue the domain name (sussexsquarecouncil.org) registration through PraiseWorx with Porkbun.com as the registrar at a cost of $12 / year. Motion brought forward by Mr Payne and seconded by Ms Wingate.
No further discussion.
Motion passed 3 in favor, 0 opposed. (Ms Fink abstained from voting.)
Motioned to adjourn meeting at 6:25 PM by Ms Fink. Seconded by Mr. Payne. Passed 4 in favor, 0 opposed. Meeting adjourned at 6:25 PM.