Road Repairs / Improvements
As promised, we are soliciting contractors to repair/reconstruct our roads and parking lots. The last meeting the BOD approved soliciting of contractors and getting the team at American Dream Realty to help us in that endeavor, which they have started.
We intend to have all the estimates submitted in time to vote on a contractor during the March 25, 2024 meeting with work to begin as soon thereafter as the contractor can schedule it.
We want to make some changes and would really appreciate your input on these. We will include time on the agenda for your input on the roads on the agenda for the March 25 meeting and if you cannot make that meeting and would like to provide feedback, please feel free to email the President or Christi Campo at American Dream.
The issues / changes to be addressed include, see the image below of proposed changes:
- The curbs get ruined by the snow plows. Solution is to have the curbs that are exposed to snow plows be concrete instead of asphalt.
- Not enough parking on Belmawr. One solution to this is move the center dumpster to the top of the hill where no one wants to park. Additionally is to remove the island where the road sign is on the corner of Dunmore and Belmawr. The road sign can be placed on the opposite side of the road.
- Speed humps at current locations do not slow some drivers down. Solution is to move the speed humps to the center of the straightways so that the speed is more controlled. Another solution is to remove the speed humps completely and paint SLOW DOWN in the center of the roadways. Please let us know your preference.
- Grass islands are useless on Norwood. Solution is to remove the 2 grass islands on the south side of Norwood and to add space for parking. Additionally a handicapped accessible ramp / cut-in will be placed near the current location of the middle island to provide more handicap accessibility to the sidewalks.
- Sidewalk / Curb on corner of Norwood / Cornwall needs replaced. Solution is to replace also with handicapped accessible ramp / cut-in. Additional handicapped accessible ramps will be installed in the future when we have more sidewalk repairs.
- Distribution of parking previously was not as per the declaration. Solution is to distribute spaces according to the declaration – 1 bedroom owners get 1 space, 2 bedroom owners get 2 spaces, and 3 bedroom owners get 3 spaces. We can guarantee that 1 of your assigned spaces will be near your front door probably where it is currently.
- Painting house numbers on the parking spaces creates privacy and security issues. Any stranger coming through the neighborhood knows when 8301 is NOT at home because the space marked 8301 is empty, no car parked there. This is a perfect invite for solicitors as well as theft / break-ins and unwanted persons. Solution is to number the spaces starting at 1 up to 250. Each unit owner will get their assigned spaces and we will provide a chart of the assignments. If there happen to be any unassigned spaces they will be either not numbered or painted a different color, something so that you can tell your visitors where to park.